
class lluvia.core.Memory
__init__(*args, **kwargs)
createBuffer(self, uint64_t size, usageFlags=[ll_buffer.BufferUsageFlagBits.StorageBuffer, ll_buffer.BufferUsageFlagBits.TransferSrc, ll_buffer.BufferUsageFlagBits.TransferDst])

Creates a new buffer allocated into this memory.


sizeuint64_t greater than zero.

The size of the buffer in bytes.

usageFlagsBufferUsageFlagBits or list of BufferUsageFlagBits.
Defaults to:

BufferUsageFlagBits.TransferSrc, BufferUsageFlagBits.TransferDst]

Usage flags for this buffer. It must be a combination of the values defined in lluvia.BufferUsageFlagBits:

  • IndexBuffer

  • IndirectBuffer

  • StorageBuffer

  • StorageTexelBuffer

  • TransferDst

  • TransferSrc

  • UniformBuffer

  • UniformTexelBuffer

  • VertexBuffer


buf : lluvia.Buffer object.

createBufferFromHost(self, ndarray arr, usageFlags=[ll_buffer.BufferUsageFlagBits.StorageBuffer, ll_buffer.BufferUsageFlagBits.TransferSrc, ll_buffer.BufferUsageFlagBits.TransferDst])

Creates a buffer from a numpy array.



Numpy array from which the buffer will be created from. The content of the array will be copied into the buffer.

usageFlagsBufferUsageFlagBits or list of BufferUsageFlagBits.
Defaults to:

BufferUsageFlagBits.TransferSrc, BufferUsageFlagBits.TransferDst]

Usage flags for this buffer. It must be a combination of the values defined in lluvia.BufferUsageFlagBits:

  • IndexBuffer

  • IndirectBuffer

  • StorageBuffer

  • StorageTexelBuffer

  • TransferDst

  • TransferSrc

  • UniformBuffer

  • UniformTexelBuffer

  • VertexBuffer



Buffer object with the same content as the input array parameter.

createBufferLike(self, other, usageFlags=[ll_buffer.BufferUsageFlagBits.StorageBuffer, ll_buffer.BufferUsageFlagBits.TransferSrc, ll_buffer.BufferUsageFlagBits.TransferDst])

Creates a Buffer with the same size in bytes as the other parameter

The memory allocated to this buffer is not filled with any value at the moment of creation.


other : Numpy ndarray or lluvia Buffer or Image.

usageFlagsBufferUsageFlagBits or list of BufferUsageFlagBits.
Defaults to:

BufferUsageFlagBits.TransferSrc, BufferUsageFlagBits.TransferDst]

Usage flags for this buffer. It must be a combination of the values defined in lluvia.BufferUsageFlagBits:

  • IndexBuffer

  • IndirectBuffer

  • StorageBuffer

  • StorageTexelBuffer

  • TransferDst

  • TransferSrc

  • UniformBuffer

  • UniformTexelBuffer

  • VertexBuffer


buf : lluvia.Buffer object.

createImage(self, shape, ChannelType channelType=ll_image.ChannelType.Uint8, usageFlags=[ll_image.ImageUsageFlagBits.Storage, ll_image.ImageUsageFlagBits.Sampled, ll_image.ImageUsageFlagBits.TransferSrc, ll_image.ImageUsageFlagBits.TransferDst])

Creates a new image allocated in this memory.


shapelist or tuple of length 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Shape of the image (depth, height , width, channels). Each dimension must be greater than zero. The number of channels must in the range [1, 4]. If one or more dimensions are missing, they are set to 1 by default.

The shape is interpreted as follows:

if len(shape) is 1:

depth = 1 height = 1 width = shape[0] channels = 1

elif len(shape) is 2:

depth = 1 height = shape[0] width = shape[1] channels = 1

elif len(shape) is 3:

depth = 1 height = shape[0] width = shape[1] channels = shape[2]


depth = shape[0] height = shape[1] width = shape[2] channels = shape[3]

channelTypell.ChannelType. Defaults to ll.ChannelType.Uint8.

Channel type.

usageFlagsImageUsageFlagBits or list of ImageUsageFlagBits.

Defaults to [‘Storage’, ‘Sampled’, ‘TransferSrc’, ‘TransferDst’]. Image usage flags. It must be a combination of th strings defined in lluvia.ImageUsageFlags:

  • TransferSrc

  • TransferDst

  • Sampled

  • Storage

  • ColorAttachment

  • DepthStencilAttachment

  • TransientAttachment

  • InputAttachment


image : new Image object.


ValueErrorif the number of dimensions is not in [1, 2, 3, 4] or

if any parameter is not within its required range.

createImageFromHost(self, ndarray arr, usageFlags=[ll_image.ImageUsageFlagBits.Storage, ll_image.ImageUsageFlagBits.Sampled, ll_image.ImageUsageFlagBits.TransferSrc, ll_image.ImageUsageFlagBits.TransferDst])

Creates a lluvia.Image object from a Numpy array.

The numpy array can have between 1 and 4 dimensions. Images can be 1D, 2D or 3D and can have up to 4 color channels. The width, height, depth and channels of the image are resolved as follows.

if arr.ndim is 1: create a 1D image if arr.ndim is 2: create a 2D image with one color channel. if arr.ndim is 3: create a 2D image with the number of channels

given by the length of the third dimension.

if arr.ndim is 4: create a 3D image with the number of channels

given by the length of the fourth dimension.

Notice that for creating 1D images with several color channels, one needs to specify the 4 dimensions [length, 1, 1, channels].

The image’s channel type is deduced from arr.dtype.


arr : Numpy array.

usageFlagsstring or list of strings.

Defaults to [‘Storage’, ‘Sampled’, ‘TransferSrc’, ‘TransferDst’]. Image usage flags. It must be a combination of th strings defined in lluvia.ImageUsageFlags:

  • TransferSrc

  • TransferDst

  • Sampled

  • Storage

  • ColorAttachment

  • DepthStencilAttachment

  • TransientAttachment

  • InputAttachment



A new Image object.


ValueErrorif the number of dimensions is not in [1, 2, 3, 4] or

if arr.dtype is incompatible with image ChannelType.

RuntimeError : if the image cannot be created from this memory.

createImageViewFromHost(self, ndarray arr, usageFlags=[ll_image.ImageUsageFlagBits.Storage, ll_image.ImageUsageFlagBits.Sampled, ll_image.ImageUsageFlagBits.TransferSrc, ll_image.ImageUsageFlagBits.TransferDst], ImageFilterMode filterMode=ll_image.ImageFilterMode.Nearest, ImageAddressMode addressMode=ll_image.ImageAddressMode.ClampToEdge, bool normalizedCoordinates=False, bool sampled=False)

Creates a lluvia.Image object from a Numpy array.

The numpy array can have between 1 and 4 dimensions. Images can be 1D, 2D or 3D and can have up to 4 color channels. The width, height, depth and channels of the image are resolved as follows.

if arr.ndim is 1: create a 1D image if arr.ndim is 2: create a 2D image with one color channel. if arr.ndim is 3: create a 2D image with the number of channels

given by the length of the third dimension.

if arr.ndim is 4: create a 3D image with the number of channels

given by the length of the fourth dimension.

Notice that for creating 1D images with several color channels, one needs to specify the 4 dimensions [length, 1, 1, channels].

The image’s channel type is deduced from arr.dtype.


arr : Numpy array.

usageFlagsstring or list of strings.

Defaults to [‘Storage’, ‘Sampled’, ‘TransferSrc’, ‘TransferDst’]. Image usage flags. It must be a combination of th strings defined in lluvia.ImageUsageFlags:

  • TransferSrc

  • TransferDst

  • Sampled

  • Storage

  • ColorAttachment

  • DepthStencilAttachment

  • TransientAttachment

  • InputAttachment

filterModestr. Defaults to ‘Nearest’.

Filtering more for reading pixels within a shader. Possible values are defined in lluvia.ImageFilterMode:

  • Nearest

  • Linear

addressModestr. Defaults to ‘Repeat’.

Addressing mode for reading pixels that are outside of the image boundaries. Possible values are defined in lluvia.ImageAddressMode:

  • Repeat

  • MirroredRepeat

  • ClampToEdge

  • ClampToBorder

  • MirrorClampToEdge

normalizedCoordinatesbool. Defaults to False.

Tells whether or not to use normalized coordinates to read pixels within a shader.

sampledbool. Defaults to False.

Tells whether or not to use a sampler object for reading pixels within a shader.



A new Image object.


ValueErrorif the number of dimensions is not in [1, 2, 3, 4] or

if arr.dtype is incompatible with image ChannelType.

RuntimeError : if the image cannot be created from this memory.

isPageMappable(self, uint64_t page)

Determines if page is currently available to be mapped.

This test checks if page is available to be mapped to host-memory by a given objects such as a Buffer.



Page number.


True if page is mappable, False otherwise
