Mediapipe integration

Integration of Lluvia into Mediapipe to create complex Computer Vision pipelines.


Mediapipe is a cross-platform framework to create complex Computer Vision pipelines both for offline and real-time applications. It leverages popular frameworks such as OpenCV and Tensorflow to process audio, video, and run deep learning models. By integrating Lluvia into mediapipe, it is possible to speed up some of those computations by creating a GPU compute pipeline.

On Graphs, Calculators and Packets

Mediapipe uses Directed Acylic Graphs to describe the compute pipeline to be run by the framework. Each node in the graph is denoted a Calculator. Each calculator declares its inputs and outputs contract, establishing the type of packet it can handle, and defines a function to process those packets.

Graphs are described as Protobuffers, with the configuration for each calculator. Mediapipe takes this data at runtime, instantiate each calculator, and connects it to its up and downstream neighbors according to the supplied contracts.

Packets enter the graph through input streams and leave it through output streams. When a new packet arrives, mediapipe schedules the processing of that packet to the corresponding calculator, or enqueues it if it is busy.

The figure below illustrates a mediapipe graph for performing edge detection on the GPU. Each calculator receives GPU image packets and schedules execution on the available device.

Lluvia as a mediapipe dependency

Mediapipe, as well as Lluvia, are built using Bazel. As a consequence, the integration of Lluvia can be done by including the project as a Bazel dependency into Mediapipe repository. The current approach to achieve this is through the use of an auxiliary repository, lluvia-mediapipe, that contains the LluviaCalculator node to run GPU compute-pipelines as a Mediapipe calculator. The build instructions are available in the mediapipe integration guide. The process is as follows:

  1. Clone Mediapipe repository alongside Lluvia.
  2. Configure Mediapipe’s Bazel workspace to build in your host machine.
  3. Include Lluvia as a dependency to Mediapipe.
  4. Clone lluvia-mediapipe repository inside Mediapipe to enable building its targets.
  5. Run the tests included in the repository to validate the build.

The directory structure of the three projects should look like this:

lluvia                          <-- lluvia repository
mediapipe                       <-- mediapipe repository
├── BUILD.bazel
├── ...
├── mediapipe                   <--
│   ├── BUILD
│   ├── calculators
│   ├── examples
│   ├── framework
│   ├── gpu
│   ├── ...
│   ├── lluvia-mediapipe        <-- lluvia-mediapipe repository
├── ...
├── .bazelrc

Once Mediapipe builds correctly, it is possible to create graphs that include the LluviaCalculator.

The LluviaCalculator

The LluviaCalculator is in charge of initializing Lluvia, binding input and output streams from mediapipe to lluvia ports, and running a given compute pipeline. The figure below illustrates a basic mediapipe graph utilizing lluvia, while the code below shows the graph description using Protobuffer text syntax:

input_stream: "input_stream"
output_stream: "output_stream"

node: {
  calculator: "LluviaCalculator"
  input_stream: "IN_0:input_stream"
  output_stream: "OUT_0:output_stream"
  node_options {
      []: {
          enable_debug: true
          library_path: "path to .zip node library file"
          script_path: "path to .lua script defining the main container node"
          container_node: "mediapipe/examples/Passthrough"
          input_port_binding:  {
              mediapipe_tag: "IN_0"
              lluvia_port: "in_image"


  1. The enable_debug flag tells whether or not the Vulkan debug extensions used by Lluvia should be loaded during session creation. This flag might be set to false in production applications to improve runtime performance.
  2. The library_path declare paths to node libraries (a .zip file) containing Lluvia nodes (Container and Compute). This attribute can be repeated several times.
  3. The script_path is the path to a lua script declaring a ContainerNode that Lluvia will instantiate as the “main” node to run inside the calculator.
  4. input_port_binding, maps mediapipe input tags to the main ContainerNode port. In the example above, mediapipe’s input tag IN_0 is mapped to lluvia’s in_image port.


lluvia-mediapipe includes two applications, single_image and webcam to run on the host system. The single_image app, as the name suggests, reads the content of a single image and feeds it to a Mediapipe graph.

The command below executes the binary with a graph configured to run the lluvia/color/BGRA2Gray compute node to convert from the BGRA input to gray scale:

bazel run --copt -DMESA_EGL_NO_X11_HEADERS --copt -DEGL_NO_X11 \
    //mediapipe/lluvia-mediapipe/examples/desktop/single_image:single_image -- \
    --input_image=${HOME}/git/lluvia/lluvia/resources/mouse.jpg \
    --script_file=${HOME}/git/mediapipe/mediapipe/lluvia-mediapipe/examples/desktop/graphs/BGRA2Gray/script.lua \

where ${HOME}/git is the base folder where Lluvia and Mediapipe are cloned. Change this according to your setup.

A more sophisticated example is running the Horn and Schunck optical flow algorithm inside of Mediapipe. The webcam binary opens the default capture device using OpenCV and transfers the captured frames the compute graph. The graph is a single LluviaCalculator running several nodes:

bazel run --copt -DMESA_EGL_NO_X11_HEADERS --copt -DEGL_NO_X11 \
    //mediapipe/lluvia-mediapipe/examples/desktop/webcam:webcam -- \
    --script_file=${HOME}/git/mediapipe/mediapipe/lluvia-mediapipe/examples/desktop/graphs/HornSchunck/script.lua \

where --graph_file=${HOME}/git/mediapipe/mediapipe/lluvia-mediapipe/examples/desktop/graphs/HornSchunck/graph.pbtxt is the path to Mediapipe’s graph to be run by the app, and --script_file=${HOME}/git/mediapipe/mediapipe/lluvia-mediapipe/examples/desktop/graphs/HornSchunck/script.lua points to a Lua script defining the Container node to run inside of the LluviaCalculator.

skinparam linetype ortho

state LluviaCalculator as "LluviaCalculator" {

    state input_stream as "IN_0:input_stream" <<inputPin>>
    state output_stream as "OUT_0:output_stream" <<outputPin>>

    state ContainerNode as "mediapipe/examples/HornSchunck" {
        state in_image <<inputPin>>

        state BGRA2Gray
        state HS as "HornSchunck"
        state Flow2RGBA
        state RGBA2BGRA

        input_stream -down-> in_image

        in_image -down-> BGRA2Gray
        BGRA2Gray -down-> HS: in_gray
        HS -down-> Flow2RGBA: in_flow
        Flow2RGBA -down-> RGBA2BGRA: in_rgba

        RGBA2BGRA -down-> out_image <<outputPin>>
  out_image -down-> output_stream <<outputPin>>


First, the input image is transformed from BGRA color space to gray scale. Next, the images are fed to the HornSchunck container node to compute optical flow. The estimated flow is then converted to color using the Flow2RGBA compute node, and finally, the RGBA output is converted to BGRA to proper rendering in the window opened by OpenCV.


This article presented the integration of Lluvia into the Mediapipe project. By added the project into Mediapipe, it is possible to leverage the GPU compute-pipeline capabilities of Lluvia to speed up parts of complex Computer Vision applications.

The integrations between thw two projects is achieved through the LluviaCalculator which runs any arbitrary ContainerNode. This calculator is in early stages of development, and feedback is very welcomed. Some immediate improvements include:

  1. Support GPUImageFrame input and output packets. Currently, the calculator only accepts CPU ImageFrame packets, thus introducing some latency while copying data from CPU memory space to the GPU.
  2. Support Mediapipe side packets to send configuration updates to the calculator.
  3. Include more configuration attributes (e.g. node parameters) in the Protobuffer type.

And finally, testing the integration in other platforms such as Android.
