Raspberry Pi 4 build

Configuration of the Raspberry Pi 4 with the Vulkan SDK and Lluvia to run GPU compute pipelines.


The Raspberry Pi 4 project announced back in November 2020 that the Vulkan 1.0 conformance tests successfully passed for its GPU driver. More recently in August 2022, Vulkan 1.2 conformance testing has been completed.

The conformance tests are a large set of tests run against a driver implementation to see if it conforms with the Vulkan specification. This is essential to maintain the Vulkan API portable across platforms and GPU vendors.

In addition, LunarG announced support of the Vulkan SDK on the Raspberry Pi 4. With this, the two most important requirements to build Lluvia on the RPi4 became available.

Optical flow demo

There is a new demo shipped with the Lluvia source code to run pipelines with images captured from a camera. Currently, the demo uses OpenCV VideoCapture class to capture images from the Raspberry camera module.

The demo app, which can be run from the repository root folder as

./samples/webcam/webcam.py --width=320 --height=240 \
  ./samples/webcam/scripts/horn_schunck.lua webcam/HornSchunck

configures the camera to capture images at 320x240 resolution and runs the webcam/HornSchunck container node defined in the horn_schunck.lua script. The container node creates the pipeline illustrated below:

skinparam linetype ortho

state BRGA2Gray
state HS as "HornSchunck"
state Flow2RGBA

BRGA2Gray -down-> HS: in_gray
HS -down-> Flow2RGBA: in_flow
Flow2RGBA -down-> RGBA2BGRA: out_rgba

with the HornSchunck node containing the algorithm implementation as discussed in a previous article.


This post introduced the instructions for building Lluvia on the Raspberry Pi 4. A new demo application for running pipelines with images captured from the Pi’s camera module is also presented.

As of now, Lluvia is supported in four platforms:

Future work can include support for other platforms such as:

  • Nvidia Jetson hardware.
  • MacOS and iOS.

With these many platforms, an interesting topic for future work is running benchmarks across all of them for assessing the runtime performance of different computer vision algorithms.