
Downsamples a gray level image along the X axis.

Downsamples a gray level image along the X axis.

Let W and H denote the width and height of the input in_gray image, respectively. The shape of the out_gray image is:

  • out_gray.W = floor(W / 2)
  • out_gray.H = H

That is, the output width is always an even number.

The value of a pixel out_gray(x, y) is computed as:

out_gray(x, y) = 0.25in_gray(2x - 1, y) + 0.5in_gray(2x, y) + 0.25in_gray(2x + 1, y)


in_gray : ImageView. r8ui image.


out_gray : ImageView r8ui image. The downsampled image.